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When there is a plan to design a new building, it is very essential to have an idea of the start and end of the construction project. There may be differences as each project is unique and special, and follows a different design and construction process. But in general, here are the basic steps involved in a construction project:

1. Once the site is selected, the experience of engineers and architects is taken to develop the site and construction plan. Sometimes, a suitable location is determined after the building layout has been prepared. The building plan is developed based on the owner's requirements and budget. Once the plan is in hand, financing and a total cost are estimated.

2. Before starting the construction of the building, the owner must ensure that he obtains the necessary permits to start construction. Permits and insurance are obtained from various sources in cities and states. Construction work done without permits can result in project delays or huge fines.

3. Based on the site and construction plan, the actual construction process begins, and the necessary excavation, leveling and backfilling can be done to prepare the site. Preparing the necessary excavation works for utility lines, electricity, water, sewage and temporary storage facilities. Mostly works are prepared for the construction of facilities.

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