Sanxingdui Museum
Di Yangxi, China
Architects: CSWADI
Area: 54400 m²
Year: 2023
Photos: The arch is present
إعادة تصميم المتنزه - يقع موقع سانكسينغدوي الأثري على بعد 40 كيلومترًا شمال مدينة تشنغدو على ضفاف نهر يازي وغرب مدينة قوانغهان، ويضم حضارة يعود تاريخها إلى 4800 عام. وقد أسفرت عن عشرات الآلاف من الآثار الثقافية الرائعة من خلال الحفريات الأثرية. تحتل سانكسينغدوي مكانة هامة على مستوى العالم في مجال الثقافة البرونزية وتشتهر بأنها "مصدر حضارة نهر اليانغتسى". في نوفمبر 2019، استؤنفت عمليات الاستكشاف والتنقيب في موقع سانكسينغدوي، مما أدى إلى اكتشاف العديد من الآثار الثقافية الوطنية على مستوى الكنوز داخل حفر القطع الأثرية الست المكتشفة حديثًا. أذهل هذا الاكتشاف البالغ الأهمية العالم مرة أخرى، مما يدل على حقبة جديدة في علم آثار سانشيندوي.
The current museum park was completed and opened in 1997, and covers an area of approximately 35.3 hectares. However, the total area of the No. 1 and No. 2 Ancient Museums is only 11,000 square meters, which is insufficient to accommodate the display of new cultural relics and the increasing number of visitors. To address this problem, the new museum and visitor center will cover a total area of 54,400 square metres. The new museum will be the main place for exhibitions and tourist guidance of cultural antiquities. The old Museum No. 1 and No. 2 will be reused and transformed into digital halls and research and education centers in the future.
The design of the new museum is not an isolated project; Instead, it focuses on reorganizing the functions and circulation of the entire park. The park currently includes two axes formed in different eras, resulting in a relatively sparse existing buildings. The design aims to re-plan the visitor route for the entire park, creating a counter-clockwise visiting loop starting from the new entrance plaza, linking the New Museum, Old Museum No. 2, the Altar, the Cultural Preservation Center, and the Old Museum. Museum No. 1, effectively reintegrates the park as a cohesive whole. The renovation also includes converting the old visitor center and parking lot at the original gate. In addition, a shaded gazebo was added to provide tourists with a welcoming entrance into the garden. Moreover, many development projects have been implemented, such as tourist toilets, underground pipelines, and anti-flood channels built in the park, laying a good foundation for the next decades of museum park operation.
Three stands on site - During the museum's initial opening, seedlings were planted throughout the riverside site. Over the past 30 years, these seedlings have grown into a dense forest consisting of towering trees surrounded by water systems. The new museum site is located 400 meters north of the central axis of the park, near the river bank. The scenery of the site is exquisite, different from the ordinary rural landscape of western Sichuan. The wide water surface of the Yazi River is accompanied by long dams and sandbars, with distant views of snow-capped mountains. On such a large-scale site, the building is conceived as a soaring landscape - three undulating hills, as a response in the topographical sense and also as a response to the site context - the three hill-shaped ruins remaining from the ancient Shu Kingdom and the crescent-shaped Moon Bay Terrace, form a landscape that resembles “ Three stars with the moon", giving rise to the name "Sanxingdui"
The geometric surface of the hill-shaped building is derived from the Old Museum No. 2. As the dominant height of the park at the end of the central axis, the Old Museum No. 2 is a famous historical landmark of Sanxingdui and represents the work of Master Zheng Guoying, a great architect. The design extends the classic spiral outer wall of the ancient building outward to act as a guiding curve to form the shape and space of the three hills. The roof of the building is in the form of a hill covered with sloping soil, which gradually slopes towards the north bank of the river and blends smoothly with the river embankment. The design also reflects the sloping shape of Old Museum No. 1, located on the other side of the central axis of the park.
The continuous hill shape also provides a compact building plan. Through the implementation of the integration strategy, the original plan, which separated the new museum and visitor center, as stated in the mission statement, is transformed into a unified entity. Along the tourism course, the visitor center, public display area and logistics storage area are arranged sequentially from east to west. The three hill units are organized from large to small, and from highest to lowest. In addition, it is rotated 26 degrees to the southwest, directly facing the Sanxingdui Archaeological Site. This arrangement establishes a spatial and temporal dialogue between the new museum and the “antiquities.”